Thursday, February 12, 2009


Making a powerpoint can help me in the future. If you have homework you could save your work in there and finish it later. you could save your stuff on your powerpoint and then you could lended to your friend  so he could copy it. And it could be easier to present that in paper work. And you could show it to your boss when you have your work. And you could safe things that are important.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Using the computer can help in the future by typing. And i could email to my friends or to work . I can see my self typing faster . If you are in a job where you have to be in the computer you could type faster. Or if you have a homework in the computer you could do it very quick. And you would know how to email and type faster.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 09

In the future part's of the computer can help me. Because you could learn more from them and you could be better. Also so you can learn how to learn  more about what you are doing. And also that you can do things right away. You can learn more things .