Monday, June 8, 2009

I will be coming back to IDEA because this school is a lot safer than the other one. In the school I went last year there were always fights and I didn't understand the work  that they gaved us very much, it was too hard. They gave a little homework so that we could play a lot and not do work so we could not pass, I wanted to do work so I could pass to 7th grade .
I wanted to pass grade because I want to succed and to go to college and graduate so when I grow up I could have a job and go to a university.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I will work faster and I will try to on it . I will try to think faster I will take pictures more faster.Now I will finish my project a lot sooner .I will have more people and more things.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Luis : Wooooooooow! "This game is awesome  yelled Luis".

Mario:Don't yell luis this game is silent game you have to find out what are they doing .

I will do what i am aasained to do what i am supposed to do. Iwill not be talking as Mary was talking yesterday. I will not be playing around i will pay attention.I will finish the worki am assinged.

Monday, April 27, 2009